What is cloud backup?
Cloud backup, also known as online backup, offsite data backup or remote backup, is a method of safeguarding valuable business data from loss.
All files, folders, emails, databases, virtual machines and the contents of an entire hard drive can be regularly and safely uploaded via an internet connection,
to a remote and highly secure storage facility.
Why Datahive™ Cloud Backup?
Datahive™ online backup is a mature service which has provided reliable backups to businesses for over 15 years.
All users of the service feel safe in the knowledge that their data is always available,
close at hand and managed by a experienced cloud backup provider.
Data housed in the US Data Centres never leaves United states, Data stored in UK data centres never leaves the UK shores.
We give our customers peace of mind world wide as you can confidently comply with industry regulatory data requirements.
Security is at the heart of the Datahive™ backup service. All data is encrypted using military standards whether in flight or at rest
and replicated across multiple ISO 27001 certified data centres.
Why choose Vitanium?
Specialist in providing ISO certified backup & security services
Cost effective Cloud services backed by “Ultimate” support.
Vitanium are an experienced, ISO 27001 & ISO 9001 accredited Cloud Backup and Cloud Email services provider offering innovative backup and email business solutions
supported by traditional service to a loyal direct customer base and a large reseller channel.